Dementia Web - Dementia Information Resource for Oxfordshire

DementiaWeb - Dementia Information Resource for Oxfordshire

"Living Wills"

Future Medical Treatment and "Living Wills"

Advance statements and advance directives or living wills allow people to say, in advance, which medical treatments they would or would not wish to have if they are unable to decide this for themselves in the future.

Not everyone will want to make a living will. Many people prefer not to think about ill-health or death, and some people would rather leave decisions about their health care to professionals. But if it is important to you to ensure that your wishes for future care are known, then advance statements and advance directives are worth investigating.

For further information please refer to the Alzheimer's Society factsheet Future medical treatment: advance statements and advance directives or living wills. : funded and managed by Guideposts with support from the Big Lottery Fund